Kris Brogan has taken out an old play from her Republican campaign days! When you have nothing else to run on, run on fear, talk fast and say nothing!
One of the biggest issues Kris Brogan wants to scare 4th ward residents with is the supposed "Flow of residents out of north Minneapolis". The flow of North Minneapolis residents out of the area? Now where did this come from? Is there a study that says people are fleeing our neighborhoods? From what we can see neighborhoods are flourishing and homes are selling for far more then they have since the foreclosure crisis! Neighborhood block clubs are at an all time high, Facebook neighborhood connections are stronger then ever, people are helping each other with issues and reaching out to each other, heck even Kris Brogans house got a water garden free of charge to beautify it.
Oh the Kris Brogan web page she has a list of issues. The big one being "Gun violence" and Kris has set down five ideas on how she would solve gun violence.....most of it sounds like something we have heard or seen before! lets review it line by line:
- Instead of putting more police “on the street” let us revisit the Community Crime Prevention teams that we deployed in the 1990′s. Teams of uniformed officers and civilian crime specialists assigned to partner with the neighborhood organizations to develop strong block clubs and quick response to livability and crime issues.
A). Civilian crime specialists partnering with neighborhood organizations?
like the programs and CPS already working in North Minneapolis such as the three CPS (crime prevention specialists) that we have in the 4th precinct? Programs such as the C.O.P pilot program, the Nuisance property program, are these the ideas Kris Brogan is talking about? Because they are already working, already proving how effective these current programs already are- What is the plan then Kris? You want credit for something already working?
2). The City, should be funding teams of community organizers who can be out in the neighborhoods every day building relationships, identifying livability issues, and creating opportunities for creative dialogue to address livability issues.
A). Would these be more non profits, that would suck up community money? Who would pay for this? Don't we already have a load of nonprofits in the Northside working on livability issues? Are these code words for MORE LOW INCOME HOUSING?
3). There are other important partnerships that we, the City, should be developing including reaching out to known gang leaders and repeat offenders. Since the City has identified the six crime families in our community it is time to bring them in and start the process to end criminal activity. Our partnership with Hennepin County in these matters needs to be strengthened. Access to the community resources is needed to reach out to these families.
A). Clearly Kris Brogan has not done her homework on this issue either! The City has not identified six crime families, A candidate for mayor claims to have done this and now there is NO WORD on it any more! Court Watch has been working hard with Hennepin County and the prosecutors and judges. Where does Kris think ideas like "identifying the six crime family's" has come from? Who does Kris Brogan believe has put in all the foot work already to start working with the crime in North? This is another not so new idea Kris! Kris Brogan we call on you to NAME the six family's? Can you even name three???
4). It is time to revisit gun buy-back programs. While there are pros and cons to these types of programs there are benefits beyond just the surrender of weapons that can bring community together. It is time to reconsider this program, the type of “currency” used to pay for the weapons, and the public benefit.
A). Again, take an idea already working and make it your own! Is this what we can expect from Kris Brogan?
5). The reporting of criminal activity needs to happen faster. The 911 operators need more training to help them identify the need for public safety response. There need to be more 911 operators during peak call times
A). Is Kris Brogan even awake? Does she understand that 911 operators are not city employee's? Does she understand that the 911 system is currently working with the C.O.P pilot program that is working, training operators to do the very things Kris Brogan is trying to spoon feed back as "New Ideas" ? 911 is ACTIVLY AT THE TABLE ALREADY!
This is pretty simple to follow lady's and gentleman~!- Kris Brogan is MAD that her business failed, she has said so herself in print, she is mad that while Papa's Pizza was falling apart smarter, better business people like Emily's, Victory 44, and Ngyia all where making a go of it! Now Kris Brogan because of her anger wants to try and scare the good people of North Minneapolis and shame them into voting for her so she can as she put it, "get Mick on a health insurance plan". Kris Brogan has set her gang out to try and stir up anger and fear like Dr. Robby trying to manipulate facts that somehow our current city council person has something to do with the orchestra ordeal?? Really? If he had half an ounce of testicular fortitude he would walk up to her and ask this question himself!
Read what Kris Brogan really does not say when you are reading her facebook posts or her web site posts. Its always "I'm the only one willing to debate", "I'm the one that can fix this", and when all else fails Kris Brogan pulls out her republican instinct and says "People are fleeing the North side!".
We will be tackling the Kris Brogan page in the next coming days and we hope you will see that if her answers are not taken right out of someone else's play book they are just empty wording and lots of it! Stay tuned to The Brogan Files!