Saturday, November 2, 2013

More of your letters

As we have said before we can't print fast enough to get everyone's letters published. We appreciate your letters and your concern for our ward! We will continue to publish what we can, please note that if we don't get to yours we are terribly sorry. Before we get started we should also say we have had a lot of questions about the Kris Brogan/Al Flowers connection. We won't comment on this but we will call out to Johnny Northside for a response on his blog! So Johnny if your reading this people want to know!

Readers Letters and our Answers:

E-mail from "S"

just watched the al flowers show..  interesting that kris never stopped him from saying that if you supported troy parker you should vote for her.. troy a criminal.. google his name - johnny northside posts.. shot in leg by a drug dealer who is in prison for murder

Answer to "S"

Yes S we too couldn't believe a lot of what Kris Brogan had to say on that little video. We were glad to see it was just Kris Brogan on the video and not Mick, he has a history of using some pretty racially charged words! Although we have never heard them come out of Kris Brogans mouth she has never told him to stop using them either and we think that's just as bad. Especially when you have grandchildren that are half black.

E-mail from "P"

Are you guys aware that the Brogan children have just as bad credit as there mom and dad do? Their one son seems to owe everyone in the city and has been sued for bad debt too just like his mom has.
why do these people think they don't have to pay bills they create?

Answer to "P"

Yes we have seen some paperwork on their son's bad debt. We believe that one of them is for $968.75 to retailers National Bank and a judgement was filed again him in Hennepin Co. July twenty-fifth 2002. We have a time line laid out of a lot of Brogan bad debt.

E-mail from "T"

my partner and I are wondering what it would take to take over the ViNa board and get rid of Kris Brogan, Anne Kaari, and the pocket rat? We believe its time to clean house and have the support of some of our neighbors who are not under the Brogan spell. We understand how take overs go but wonder if you think we would have more support from other neighbors?

Answer to "T"

We believe it can be done! Another faithful reader of The Brogan Files is looking for the date of the ViNa board vote when Anne Kaari made the motion to buy to gift cards from Papa's that turned out to be no good and Duane seconded it. We would start with door nocking and speaking with people willing to come to a ViNa meeting and stand up to these three! We will e-mail you in private the names of some people to contact to help get the ball rolling! Good for you for seeing through it!

E-mail from "AL12"

Do you know if Kris and her mouthy husband are up to date on their contract for deed house payment? We hear rumors that they are behind on it and maybe the owner could be persuaded to foreclose on them.

Answer to "AL12"

We don't have the details on this issue. We do know that the house was bought on contract for deed to start with because the Brogans had just been tossed out of their house in South Minneapolis by the sheriff. The process is called a Writ of Recovery and most decent people don't make the lender go through all of that, but the Brogans did!

E-mail from "St"

Kris Brogan was going around once talking about her inheritance and how they were using it to open their dream restaurant. At the same time they owed a lot of people in south Minneapolis money that never did get repaid. They even mortgaged the house to twice what it was worth is this a spending problem that one of them has or are they just not good with financial decisions? Either case should she really be running for an office that requires her to understand the city's financial issues?

Answer to "St"

Yes we knew about the inheritance because once when Kris was mad as hell at Mick she was crying on someone shoulder about how he spent her inheritance on "his" dream. The timeline does show that they received the inheritance at a time they owed a lot of people a lot of money and never used it to pay off bad debt. remember a lot of people told both Mick and Kris Brogan that the building on the corner of 42nd and Thomas was NOT a good place to open a pizza place. They told them that the landlord at the time was awful but Kris knew better! She had all that information and still claims to be the victim in this equation and she blames the CITY!

E-mail from "AV"

In the video Kris says she worked for the former mayor of Minneapolis. Why has nobody come forward to ask why the former mayor supports other candidates but not Kris? If she was a policy aid and a good one I would think the former mayor would be happy to support her campaign. Why is Don Samuels not supporting her either? When that baby was shot and Kris tried to get her 15 minutes of fame by sitting with Don in front of the house Don was god to her. Did Don figure out what we have?

Answer to "AV"

Yes its true Kris Brogan did work for former mayor Sharon Sayles Belton but remember we have had contact with several people that worked for the mayor and city hall at the time and not one of them had anything nice to say about Kris Brogan. One of the most common things we heard was how "difficult" Kris Brogan was to work with. Its no surprise that the former mayor didn't put her good name out on the line for a "Difficult" employee!

E-mail from "TT"

Has anyone publicly come forward to support the Kris Brogan campaign? I read the link you posted about campaign finances and it was funny that this campaign is called Friends of Kris Brogan and the one in ward 13 was called Citizens for Kris Brogan. Does Kris think that we believe people are begging her to run for office?

Answer to "TT"

We have not seen one supporting or backing statement from anyone currently in politics in Minneapolis or the state of MN for their matter on behalf of Kris Brogan. Again for a women that worked in a political arena such as the city of Minneapolis its very strange to have not one person backing you. We believe its a clear sign that there is something wrong with this person! As for her campaign titles, people try and pick campaign titles that voters will get behind and run with. They are like advertising buy lines that real people in. Sadly Kris Brogan tried telling 4th ward residents that she was not going to run for council after loosing the DFL caucus nod by such a large percentage and on the first vote...then Kris told us that she is running because residents put a petition together and the "people" spoke so she felt she had to. On her little video she says they went out and got the petition signatures. Also keep in mind that we know of quite a few names on the petition that have said they either didn't know what they were signing OR they signed it so she would leave them along...this does not mean they will vote for her.

Wish we had more time for more of your letter but alas we do not. Please keep sending your questions and comments to us here at The Brogan Files and we will keep printing the answers we have for you!
until then, stay tuned to all things Brogan on The Brogan Files!