Just as the current mayor warned us there would be snarky and untrue posts and mailings these last few days prior to election the Kris Brogan team did just as he said! They mailed out negative, half true mailings and now they are posting on Facebook that the former mayor Sharon Sayles Belton has thrown her support behind the Brogan campaign. The truth is they took a statement made about Kris Brogan by former mayor Belton and used that as though it was an endorsement. Its this trickery type of behavior the Brogan Campaign hopes they can get away with and they hope that you the educated voter wont think twice about it!
Fortunately for North Minneapolis we have a lot of well educated voters who can now see exactly what we have been saying all along about Kris Brogan and gang...they are dirty and are willing to do dirty stunts to get what they want. Be away in the coming days before the election for more and more stunts by the Kris Brogan campaign team.....they are not through yet folks!
Until then stay tuned to all things Brogan at The Brogan Files!