Friday, May 17, 2013

Whos afraid of the big bad wolf?

We have waited with this story at the request of some of the people we spoke to about the Brogans. Prior to starting this blog we sought out a few people from the Brogans old neighborhood in Whittier and we found people that wanted to share but seemed afraid to do so. After a couple of meetings and a some digging into information we already had it was clear that Mick and Kris Brogan have a history of attacking people verbally and making their lives hell if they disagree with the Brogans. This is one of the reasons we posted the blog early on about Mick Brogans trouble with the law after brandishing a gun in the Wells Fargo parking lot here in North. In speaking with someone connected to Alliance we found this has happened with them also. Of course as a client of the Brogan Consulting firm they couldnt say much more then "Kris gets her way one way or another, dont cross her if want to get anything done".

What we found out in Whittier was about the same as we found out when speaking to people Kris Brogan worked with at the city level. People of Whittier reported that they believed Kris and Mick Brogan to be nice enough people UNTIL they disagreed with them on anything neighborhood related. It was after they disagreed that Kris became a pouting child and sent Mick in to "handle" her problems. Many people told of calls, e-mails, and Mick showing up at places of business or homes yelling and carrying on about how "His Kris was wronged" and that the person in question was a monster for upsetting "his Kris". Not one person we spoke to would allow us to use their name because they didn't want any further dealings with the Brogan Mob as they called it.

While putting this blog post together we received word of Mick and Kris Brogan doing the exact same things once again but in North Minneapolis. Both Mick and Kris have torn into residents in North that they claim harmed them by not voting at the convention for Kris or by not making public statements about this blog. This week as we looked into this we got handed a Facebook post that was copied and pasted from a local story about a duck having baby's at the Warren. There are a lot of wonderful comments about this duck and her hatchlings and as the story goes the caretaker of the Warren walked with this mother duck and her baby's to a near by pond to assure not one of the baby's got harmed on the way. Half way through the posts Mick Brogan pops in with a negative attack on the current city council person for the ward claiming she must of made this all happen if it was a good thing. He further attacks another resident that has disagreed with him in the past and claims she has her head up the ass of said city council person. Not provoked, right out of the clear blue Mick makes his attack again, it seemed like a very mentally unstable thing to do until we found out that members of the local Lions club and other North Minneapolis residents had as recent as the day before received attacks from Mick and Kris for not doing whatever it was Mick and Kris thought they should have. A few people on the duck post responded to Micks insane ramblings and called him out on his behavior but for the most part it was very symbolic of living in an alcoholic home, nobody wanted to stir the alcoholic out of fear he would attack them too! The following day on the duck post  in response to people letting Mick know his behavior was out of line Mick struck again with his nastiness and the original poster ended up having to remove comments.

The ironic part of all of this with the duck post is the original poster was Kris Brogans pocket rat Duane! We hope that Duane has now seen and felt the wrath of a Brogan scorn! Its been almost two weeks since the convention that produced a one ballot vote that ended with the following numbers,

Barb Johnson: 124 votes or 62.9 percent
Kris Brogan:    69 votes or  35.0 percent
No endorsement 4 votes or 2.0 percent
and one spoiled vote!

We believed that after these numbers came out Kris and Mick would see that the people of North Minneapolis either are fear full of telling them they wont vote for them or the other more important message that the people didn't believe or buy into Kris Brogans lies and negative smear campaign!
Clearly both Mick and Kris are still back in their old behavior that nothing is their fault, it has to be the fault of the community or the other candidate, or the weather, or the wrong day and on and on but clearly NOT the fault of the Brogan Mob!

In the past two weeks people in North Minneapolis and South Minneapolis have expressed fear of the Brogan Mob and what would happen to them if it got out they spoke up, one person in North even expressed fear because she once opened her door during the campaign door knock and felt she was being bullied into saying she would vote for Kris Brogan. Its a real shame that the good people that pay their taxes, pay their bills, and vote have to feel fear like this from a couple that files bankruptsy, does not pay their bills, and owes the fact that they even have a roof over their head to the good people of North Minneapolis.This is not over and we would put money on the fact that the Brogan Mob won't end this until the election is over in November!

 We are working on proving what Kris and Mick Brogan said about every neighbor they took a thousand dollars from being paid back. If anyone has proof of this please e-mail us as this would mean that the Brogans last bankruptcy was fraudulent and we want to turn over as much evidence as we can.  Remember Kris Brogan has yet to call off her campaign so this blog remains busy bringing you the latest of The Brogan Files!