Friday, May 3, 2013

The Brogan Bag of Bunk!

Its been a busy day of sorting information from last nights party that Kris Brogan had hosted at the Warren and about five tons of printed out North Talk pages from a neighbor. What is clear is the bag of bunk Kris Brogan has planned for tomorrows caucus! It seems Kris has a plan to call everything into question at the caucus tomorrow in order to later be able make a speech that she does not plan to follow the agreement she made on Facebook and in person to a number of people that she would follow the DFL endorsement and if she lost she would back down. This of course is out of someone elses play book but she has no shame. We called it here first people! We knew her word was about as good as a check or a gift card from Papa's pizza!

Tomorrow we hope to have more information from caucus goers. If you are attending and want to send us an e-mail with details of Kris Brogans behavior please do so! We look forward to reporting what kind of bullying tactics Kris employees and what kind of new tricks she has taught her pocket rat Duane! We wish we could see him scurry across the caucus floor tomorrow with those big white teeth hanging out to do the bidding of Kris Brogan!

If anyone sees the Brogan Pocket Pet Duane there we would like a report on his behavior too. So until tomorrow stay tuned to the Brogan files!