Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Kris Brogan sends out Non Union labled Matterial

Our neighbor brought over a letter the Kris Brogan campaign sent out to all DFL Delegates. One of the Standard operating procedures of running for office in the DFL party is to have a union bug label on the material. See example below.

Now you may say, "but Kris has a small campaign and can't afford it so we did it for her" and the answer to that is also DFL SOP- you always put "Labor donated" if that is the case. So why is this an issue? Well Kris wants the DFL endorsement that's why! There are ways to do things if you want that endorsement and there are ways not to do it. We also want to throw out there a reminder that Kris never paid her printer when she ran before. She claims they went out of business and there was no way to pay them so she just carried that campaign debt every year? So is the reason for no Union bug on the mailings this time because she still owes a union printer?? She has undermine one union printer in a past run for office so its no surprise she would undermine the entire union this time around! These are all questions we would hope someone would bring up at the endorsing convention this coming weekend.

After looking over every single item that has already come in the mail to both our neighbors home and ours we could not find one DFL candidate that left this out other then Kris Brogan. So if Kris Brogan is not going to follow the S.O.P's of the DFL how do we know she will follow through with anything else DFL related? She claims she will abide by the endorsement process but we find that hard to believe also! Mark our words Kris Brogan will NOT bow out as she stated she would if she is not endorsed this weekend! You read it here first in the Brogan files!


Union bug