Saturday, May 4, 2013

Lier, Lier pants on

We start with the fact that we received twelve e-mails from the caucus today. As short as the caucus was it was amazing the pictures and e-mails that came out of it. we have spent hours going over everything including paperwork that was handed off after the show closed.

From what information we have Kris Brogan entered the caucus looking like the undertaker we all fear will one day show up at our door. Early reports are that Kris was not ready to even start the caucus out and was often seen as panicky. I wonder why? We can report that there was plenty of money spent on t-shirts and laminated fliers, even though the fliers didn't get the reaction that Kris was looking for. From the view in the pictures a very tall lurchy looking women with a hump back should never wear all that black! The pictures of Mick Brogan are even worse, could he have played the roll of Jack Sprat any better in those tired old jeans?

Because there is so much information from such a short period of time we will break it down into the top six lies told by Kris Brogan today.

6). "Gateway loafs are/where supported by Barb Johnson." Hum...that's in the 5th ward right Kris? So if the people of the 5th support it why wouldn't Barb? It is after all Don's ward!

5). "Mortgage fraud is a huge problem Kris Brogan cares about." Yeah you bet she cares, she cares that she was able to scrape every dime out of that four plex in south Minneapolis before dumping it on the mortgage company!

4). "I will abide by the DFL endorsement proses!" Well that went out the window at the end just like we predicted early on it would! As we said yesterday her word is as good as a Papa's gift certificate.

3)." I'm a community Developer." Um what community? A failed pizza shop does not a community developer make! Your pizza shop took from the community everything from personal $1,000 loans that went unpaid to bad gift certificates that to this day are only good as toilet paper.

2)." We paid ten people a livable wage at Papa's." REALLY? I know a baby mama that didn't fair so well from the Brogan Empire! Did dishwashers at Papa's really make twelve dollars an hour and have benefits? We don't think so Kris!


1)." Nghia and I are very close friends!"- PLEASE don't try and be our friend in that case Kris! We don't need our neighbors e-mailed to call 311 on us all the time. We don't need Mick pacing the windows yelling at our guests if they park to close and most of all we don't need you sending your pocket rat to our door to try and make us agree we are friends.

In the end Kris didn't even come close to enough votes to keep things moving and Barb Johnson was endorsed in the first round of voting. Keep in mind that four years ago caucus goers ended up there until way after the sun set. But never one to bow out gracefully Kris took the stage before they even announced she had gotten her ass handed to her and made what some report is a very evasive speech about not enough people believing in her or some crap like that....keep in mind she never said she was bowing out....and as far as we know she still has not followed through with her promise to  "abide by the DFL endorsement proses" and conceded. Remember you read it here first folks, she is like a bad case of crabs and is not going to get the message that north Minneapolis does not want her until the lights are turned off and we go to court and get her evicted just like the poor landlord had to at 44th and Thomas! Our advise is:

1). Don't take any wooden nickels from the Brogan Campaign at this point or you may be the next person she carries a campaign debt on for the next ten years!

2). Don't buy any Kris Brogan for Council campaign certificates....they may end up of no value!

3). And most of all get anything she says notarized FAST so you can hold her to it later!