Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The BIG question

We have received a few e-mails asking us whats next, will the blog stay, will the blog go? The easy answer to this is, Kris Brogan has not backed out of the race yet! She has come close and has had lots of fluffy things to say about everything from the caucus to the staff that worked for her but she has NOT said she is out! Until she is out of the race the blog continues as is! As a private citizen there is nothing to report on or any reason to do so but as a politician there is plenty to report and we will continue to do so!

The main reason we are staying the course is that Kris Brogan has flip flopped before in campaigns in the past and we wont back down until she does. In fact today we are meeting with some wonderful people from the Whittier neighborhood group, they wanted to wait until after the caucus to share what happened when Kris Brogan was a part of that group. Who can blame them after some of the reports of Kris Brogan and her campaign staff acting a fool at the caucus and last minute ditch efforts by Duane the pocket rat to smear the other runner.

We had reports also that the Brogan Campaign was telling people that all the local citizens who loaned Papa's Pizza $1,000 a crack had been paid back with coupons and free pizza so we went to check this out. If a company or a citizen files bankruptcy they can not claim anyone or any entity on the bankruptcy that has been paid back. This would be FREUD- it would be like knowing your business is going under because your landlord is beating down your door for back rent and still taking out ads in the Camden News trying to sell gift cards, or another example would be having your neighborhood association that you serve on and your friends that loaned you money serve on vote on buying a bunch of bogus gift cards to your soon closing Pizza shop. So what is it? Did you pay them back and make a fraudulent claim on the bankruptsy or did they not get paid back and you LIED to the good people of north Minneapolis again?

We will have the Whitter story soon! Stay tuned to The Brogan Files for more real life details! Its not over till the fat lady sings folks!