Thursday, May 23, 2013

"Blogger has it all wrong" cries poor Mikey Brogan!

Once again the Brogan mob attempts to threaten anyone that stand up against them and calls out the facts! Poor little Mikey Brogan's sad little attempt at a veiled threat to this blog has fallen on deaf ears. Mikey Brogan claims in a recent Facebook post that we here at the Brogan Files have it all wrong about his mommy and daddy and he wants us to meet him face to face so he can "explain" it to us! With as much humor as this statement has in it we simply would never waist our time with the likes of a boy that has a post on his Facebook page that states " Ha ha ! If your scared of north Mpls move to the burbs you pussy".

Its still unclear if Mommy dearest is in this race or not? We have not heard any vocals from her  or her campaign about taking her toys and going home and her Facebook page, Friends of Kris Brogan is still up and running as of this writing. We can report that she was in attendance at last nights ViNa meeting and had a lot to say about the work that will be done on the 44th and Penn intersection. Of course when one rides the fence its easy to pick apart everyone else's ideas!

As for Pa Kettle it sounds, from the feed back we have received as though he is still spitting tacks and throwing temper tantrums about the caucus vote. We sure hope that Kris can keep him on a leash of sorts so that he does not end up spending the afternoon behind bars like the day he was arrested and carted off to jail for waving his weapon around the Wells Fargo bank parking lot.

Looks like it may turn out to be a long hot summer after all and we are repaired with window air conditioners here at The Brogan Files.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Kris Brogan Uses BIG word!

Poor Kris Brogan believes that because the people of North Minneapolis stood up and said they didn't want her and because there is this blog out here that its, tyranny. Tyranny? Really Kris?

In yet another of her fits Kris Brogan has taken after the good people of North Minneapolis who once again are to blame for her failures! Remember it was the good people of North Minneapolis, who after buying bogus gift cards at Papa's, and buying mediocre pizza for years caused them to have to close their business! It was again the good people of North Minneapolis who after years of hearing the Brogan Mob bitch and complain in the dinning room and fight like real Italians got sick and tired of it and stopped going into Papa's.  We have searched and searched in vein to try and find a time that Kris or Mick Brogan actually came screaming out saying they in fact were wrong! They seem to come screaming out for everything else.

We thought maybe you would like to look that up in Websters Kris, so we did it for you. Below is how to use the word!

Definition of TYRANNY

1: oppressive power <every form of tyranny over the mind of man — Thomas Jefferson>; especially: oppressive power exerted by government <the tyranny of a police state>
2a: a government in which absolute power is vested in a single ruler; especially: one characteristic of an ancient Greek city-state
b: the office, authority, and administration of a tyrant
3: a rigorous condition imposed by some outside agency or force <living under the tyranny of the clock — Dixon Wecter>
4: an oppressive, harsh, or unjust act : a tyrannical act <workers who had suffered tyrannies>

Friday, May 17, 2013

Whos afraid of the big bad wolf?

We have waited with this story at the request of some of the people we spoke to about the Brogans. Prior to starting this blog we sought out a few people from the Brogans old neighborhood in Whittier and we found people that wanted to share but seemed afraid to do so. After a couple of meetings and a some digging into information we already had it was clear that Mick and Kris Brogan have a history of attacking people verbally and making their lives hell if they disagree with the Brogans. This is one of the reasons we posted the blog early on about Mick Brogans trouble with the law after brandishing a gun in the Wells Fargo parking lot here in North. In speaking with someone connected to Alliance we found this has happened with them also. Of course as a client of the Brogan Consulting firm they couldnt say much more then "Kris gets her way one way or another, dont cross her if want to get anything done".

What we found out in Whittier was about the same as we found out when speaking to people Kris Brogan worked with at the city level. People of Whittier reported that they believed Kris and Mick Brogan to be nice enough people UNTIL they disagreed with them on anything neighborhood related. It was after they disagreed that Kris became a pouting child and sent Mick in to "handle" her problems. Many people told of calls, e-mails, and Mick showing up at places of business or homes yelling and carrying on about how "His Kris was wronged" and that the person in question was a monster for upsetting "his Kris". Not one person we spoke to would allow us to use their name because they didn't want any further dealings with the Brogan Mob as they called it.

While putting this blog post together we received word of Mick and Kris Brogan doing the exact same things once again but in North Minneapolis. Both Mick and Kris have torn into residents in North that they claim harmed them by not voting at the convention for Kris or by not making public statements about this blog. This week as we looked into this we got handed a Facebook post that was copied and pasted from a local story about a duck having baby's at the Warren. There are a lot of wonderful comments about this duck and her hatchlings and as the story goes the caretaker of the Warren walked with this mother duck and her baby's to a near by pond to assure not one of the baby's got harmed on the way. Half way through the posts Mick Brogan pops in with a negative attack on the current city council person for the ward claiming she must of made this all happen if it was a good thing. He further attacks another resident that has disagreed with him in the past and claims she has her head up the ass of said city council person. Not provoked, right out of the clear blue Mick makes his attack again, it seemed like a very mentally unstable thing to do until we found out that members of the local Lions club and other North Minneapolis residents had as recent as the day before received attacks from Mick and Kris for not doing whatever it was Mick and Kris thought they should have. A few people on the duck post responded to Micks insane ramblings and called him out on his behavior but for the most part it was very symbolic of living in an alcoholic home, nobody wanted to stir the alcoholic out of fear he would attack them too! The following day on the duck post  in response to people letting Mick know his behavior was out of line Mick struck again with his nastiness and the original poster ended up having to remove comments.

The ironic part of all of this with the duck post is the original poster was Kris Brogans pocket rat Duane! We hope that Duane has now seen and felt the wrath of a Brogan scorn! Its been almost two weeks since the convention that produced a one ballot vote that ended with the following numbers,

Barb Johnson: 124 votes or 62.9 percent
Kris Brogan:    69 votes or  35.0 percent
No endorsement 4 votes or 2.0 percent
and one spoiled vote!

We believed that after these numbers came out Kris and Mick would see that the people of North Minneapolis either are fear full of telling them they wont vote for them or the other more important message that the people didn't believe or buy into Kris Brogans lies and negative smear campaign!
Clearly both Mick and Kris are still back in their old behavior that nothing is their fault, it has to be the fault of the community or the other candidate, or the weather, or the wrong day and on and on but clearly NOT the fault of the Brogan Mob!

In the past two weeks people in North Minneapolis and South Minneapolis have expressed fear of the Brogan Mob and what would happen to them if it got out they spoke up, one person in North even expressed fear because she once opened her door during the campaign door knock and felt she was being bullied into saying she would vote for Kris Brogan. Its a real shame that the good people that pay their taxes, pay their bills, and vote have to feel fear like this from a couple that files bankruptsy, does not pay their bills, and owes the fact that they even have a roof over their head to the good people of North Minneapolis.This is not over and we would put money on the fact that the Brogan Mob won't end this until the election is over in November!

 We are working on proving what Kris and Mick Brogan said about every neighbor they took a thousand dollars from being paid back. If anyone has proof of this please e-mail us as this would mean that the Brogans last bankruptcy was fraudulent and we want to turn over as much evidence as we can.  Remember Kris Brogan has yet to call off her campaign so this blog remains busy bringing you the latest of The Brogan Files!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The BIG question

We have received a few e-mails asking us whats next, will the blog stay, will the blog go? The easy answer to this is, Kris Brogan has not backed out of the race yet! She has come close and has had lots of fluffy things to say about everything from the caucus to the staff that worked for her but she has NOT said she is out! Until she is out of the race the blog continues as is! As a private citizen there is nothing to report on or any reason to do so but as a politician there is plenty to report and we will continue to do so!

The main reason we are staying the course is that Kris Brogan has flip flopped before in campaigns in the past and we wont back down until she does. In fact today we are meeting with some wonderful people from the Whittier neighborhood group, they wanted to wait until after the caucus to share what happened when Kris Brogan was a part of that group. Who can blame them after some of the reports of Kris Brogan and her campaign staff acting a fool at the caucus and last minute ditch efforts by Duane the pocket rat to smear the other runner.

We had reports also that the Brogan Campaign was telling people that all the local citizens who loaned Papa's Pizza $1,000 a crack had been paid back with coupons and free pizza so we went to check this out. If a company or a citizen files bankruptcy they can not claim anyone or any entity on the bankruptcy that has been paid back. This would be FREUD- it would be like knowing your business is going under because your landlord is beating down your door for back rent and still taking out ads in the Camden News trying to sell gift cards, or another example would be having your neighborhood association that you serve on and your friends that loaned you money serve on vote on buying a bunch of bogus gift cards to your soon closing Pizza shop. So what is it? Did you pay them back and make a fraudulent claim on the bankruptsy or did they not get paid back and you LIED to the good people of north Minneapolis again?

We will have the Whitter story soon! Stay tuned to The Brogan Files for more real life details! Its not over till the fat lady sings folks!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Lier, Lier pants on

We start with the fact that we received twelve e-mails from the caucus today. As short as the caucus was it was amazing the pictures and e-mails that came out of it. we have spent hours going over everything including paperwork that was handed off after the show closed.

From what information we have Kris Brogan entered the caucus looking like the undertaker we all fear will one day show up at our door. Early reports are that Kris was not ready to even start the caucus out and was often seen as panicky. I wonder why? We can report that there was plenty of money spent on t-shirts and laminated fliers, even though the fliers didn't get the reaction that Kris was looking for. From the view in the pictures a very tall lurchy looking women with a hump back should never wear all that black! The pictures of Mick Brogan are even worse, could he have played the roll of Jack Sprat any better in those tired old jeans?

Because there is so much information from such a short period of time we will break it down into the top six lies told by Kris Brogan today.

6). "Gateway loafs are/where supported by Barb Johnson." Hum...that's in the 5th ward right Kris? So if the people of the 5th support it why wouldn't Barb? It is after all Don's ward!

5). "Mortgage fraud is a huge problem Kris Brogan cares about." Yeah you bet she cares, she cares that she was able to scrape every dime out of that four plex in south Minneapolis before dumping it on the mortgage company!

4). "I will abide by the DFL endorsement proses!" Well that went out the window at the end just like we predicted early on it would! As we said yesterday her word is as good as a Papa's gift certificate.

3)." I'm a community Developer." Um what community? A failed pizza shop does not a community developer make! Your pizza shop took from the community everything from personal $1,000 loans that went unpaid to bad gift certificates that to this day are only good as toilet paper.

2)." We paid ten people a livable wage at Papa's." REALLY? I know a baby mama that didn't fair so well from the Brogan Empire! Did dishwashers at Papa's really make twelve dollars an hour and have benefits? We don't think so Kris!


1)." Nghia and I are very close friends!"- PLEASE don't try and be our friend in that case Kris! We don't need our neighbors e-mailed to call 311 on us all the time. We don't need Mick pacing the windows yelling at our guests if they park to close and most of all we don't need you sending your pocket rat to our door to try and make us agree we are friends.

In the end Kris didn't even come close to enough votes to keep things moving and Barb Johnson was endorsed in the first round of voting. Keep in mind that four years ago caucus goers ended up there until way after the sun set. But never one to bow out gracefully Kris took the stage before they even announced she had gotten her ass handed to her and made what some report is a very evasive speech about not enough people believing in her or some crap like that....keep in mind she never said she was bowing out....and as far as we know she still has not followed through with her promise to  "abide by the DFL endorsement proses" and conceded. Remember you read it here first folks, she is like a bad case of crabs and is not going to get the message that north Minneapolis does not want her until the lights are turned off and we go to court and get her evicted just like the poor landlord had to at 44th and Thomas! Our advise is:

1). Don't take any wooden nickels from the Brogan Campaign at this point or you may be the next person she carries a campaign debt on for the next ten years!

2). Don't buy any Kris Brogan for Council campaign certificates....they may end up of no value!

3). And most of all get anything she says notarized FAST so you can hold her to it later!

Friday, May 3, 2013

The Brogan Bag of Bunk!

Its been a busy day of sorting information from last nights party that Kris Brogan had hosted at the Warren and about five tons of printed out North Talk pages from a neighbor. What is clear is the bag of bunk Kris Brogan has planned for tomorrows caucus! It seems Kris has a plan to call everything into question at the caucus tomorrow in order to later be able make a speech that she does not plan to follow the agreement she made on Facebook and in person to a number of people that she would follow the DFL endorsement and if she lost she would back down. This of course is out of someone elses play book but she has no shame. We called it here first people! We knew her word was about as good as a check or a gift card from Papa's pizza!

Tomorrow we hope to have more information from caucus goers. If you are attending and want to send us an e-mail with details of Kris Brogans behavior please do so! We look forward to reporting what kind of bullying tactics Kris employees and what kind of new tricks she has taught her pocket rat Duane! We wish we could see him scurry across the caucus floor tomorrow with those big white teeth hanging out to do the bidding of Kris Brogan!

If anyone sees the Brogan Pocket Pet Duane there we would like a report on his behavior too. So until tomorrow stay tuned to the Brogan files!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Kris Brogan Attemps to mislead caucus delegates in 4th Ward

As we mentioned yesterday a letter from the Kris Brogan campaign was sent out to all delegates of the forth ward convention, not just her's but everyone. In the letter Kris adds in a form ( see copy below) that looks like its the entire set of rules from the 4th ward caucus BUT in typical Kris Brogan fashion, Kris has omitted a lot of the rules and has not been 100% honest on others. Note that Kris states that:

"PS-Delegates must be registered at Creekview Park (5001 Humboldt Avenue) by 9am on Saturday, May 4th. There is a limit of five ballots and enclosed are the rules of the convention which are applicable to the question and answer period."
No where in the 4th ward caucus rules does it state that delegates must be registered by 9am! Is this Kris Brogans way of making sure only her delegates come in?  Here is a public link to the DFL convention, with the 4th Ward rules link:
you will note a lot was left off and if you check out item #4 clearly states the delegates do not have a deadline to register! So if one of the delegates has to be at a prior commitment until 930am Kris would rather they not come clearly! It is the sneaky little details that Kris Brogan has left out that show the manipulation that Kris Brogan seems to be all about in this campaign.

You can review our previous posts to follow the chain of her manipulations that bring us right back to why this blog was started to begin with. PLEASE if you are going to be a delegate for the 4th ward EDUCATE yourself and not with material the Brogan campaign has sent out!!

612- 801-4942

A proper community a commonwealth: a place, a resource, an economy. It answers the needs,
practical as well as social and spiritual, of its members - among them the need

to need one another.

-Wendell Berry
April 29, 2013
Dear Delegate,
Our homes make up our blocks, our blocks make up our neighborhoods, and our neighborhoods make
up our community. We are Minneapolis' Fourth Ward and we need one another. We need one another
to build our community now more than ever.
The Fourth Ward faces a number of challenges. The foreclosure crisis and tornado devastated our
neighborhoods and speculative landlords created a surplus of distressed rental properties. Employers
have left our community and fewer than half of our public school students are graduating on time.
We are at a tipping point and now is the time to act.
The Fourth Ward is home to great people that care about their families, neighbors and communities and
we can no longer allow apathy to determine our course. We need to work together to make the Fourth
Ward the dynamic, thriving community it should be and I am the leader with the skills and dedication
to get us there:

Drawing upon my extensive experience in community development, I will enact a plan which

limits the number of rental properties on each block- ensuring that our housing stock is
preserved for homeowners who want to invest in and build up our community.

I was the co-proprietor of a Fourth Ward business for many years. The opportunity to serve my

neighbors was a joy and privilege, but I witnessed the undue burdens that come with operating
a business in the City. I will make it easier to attract and retain small businesses to the Fourth
Ward. Our community has a wonderful commercial infrastructure and it is time for those empty
business nodes to be filled with eager entrepreneurs who employ our neighbors.

I am proud to be part of a family who has enjoyed the benefits of Minneapolis Public Schools.

The saying

flit takes a village to raise a child" is an understatement. Our community's future

depends on our youngest residents, and I will be the voice who advocates for stronger schools,
better libraries, and engaging and educational programming.
Prepared and paid for

by Friends of Kris Brogan, Mollie Mosman, Treasurer,

4143 Thomas Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55412

~ Partnerships and collaborations are powerful. I will build a strong and transparent relationship
with our political delegation. Working closely with our state, county, park, school and library
representatives, I will develop a cohesive, progressive plan for the Fourth Ward that ensures its
long-term viability and success.
Vote for me if you share this vision for the Fourth Ward! This election is about our future, the future
of our children, and the rebuilding of our community!
Please join me for office hours on Wednesday, May 1, from 4-6pm at The Warren (4400 Osseo Road,
Minneapolis). I would love to hear from you and learn more about your priorities for our community.
Fourth Ward City Council
PS-Delegates must be registered at Creekview Park (5001 Humboldt Avenue) by 9am on Saturday, May
4th. There is a limit of five ballots and enclosed are the rules of the convention which are applicable to
the question and answer period. This

will be your only chance to ask questions of the candidates

before the balloting process begins. Please develop your questions using the format set by the enclosed
PPS-To learn more about my candidacy, to volunteer or to make a donation, please visit
Rules of the Convention

will be a question and answer period after candidate presentations as follows:

a. The first question shall be "Will you suspend your campaign if someone other than you
is endorsed by this convention? Yes or No answer only."

All other questions must be submitted in writing before the completion of candidate

c. All questions must be:


ii.General in nature and addressed to all candidates

Cover a single topic

iv. Not in the nature of a


v. Possible to answer within a

one minute period.


The Convention Chair or the Convention Chair's Designee shall screen all questions and

eliminate any that are duplicate or not in compliance. The remaining questions shall be
placed in a container and drawn by lot.
e. Convention Chair shall ask the candidates each question in turn, but shall not read any
preliminary remarks, statements or explanations included with the question.

The order of response for the first question will be established by lot and will rotate for

each subsequent question.
g. Each candidate shall be allowed

one minute to answer each question.


The Question period will last for thirty minutes or until all questions are asked but shall

be extended to allow all candidates to answer the final question.
Regarding the signing of ballots:
A number of delegates have expressed questions over the signing of ballots and the appearance
of the signature mark. In order to be valid, all ballots must be signed. We inquired whether a
ballot signature must clearly reflect the delegate's name or whether an

"X" will suffice. Jeff

Strand, Chair of the DFLWard 4 Ward Committee provided the following clarification:
'Theconclusion is in the affirmative, that an 'X'

shall be accepted ... 'there is no rule dictating _

what a signature looks like so we accept any clear mark as fulfilling the signature requirement
of the DNe"
Prepared and paid for by Friends of Kris Brogan, Mollie Mossman, Treasurer, 4143 Thomas Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55412

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Kris Brogan sends out Non Union labled Matterial

Our neighbor brought over a letter the Kris Brogan campaign sent out to all DFL Delegates. One of the Standard operating procedures of running for office in the DFL party is to have a union bug label on the material. See example below.

Now you may say, "but Kris has a small campaign and can't afford it so we did it for her" and the answer to that is also DFL SOP- you always put "Labor donated" if that is the case. So why is this an issue? Well Kris wants the DFL endorsement that's why! There are ways to do things if you want that endorsement and there are ways not to do it. We also want to throw out there a reminder that Kris never paid her printer when she ran before. She claims they went out of business and there was no way to pay them so she just carried that campaign debt every year? So is the reason for no Union bug on the mailings this time because she still owes a union printer?? She has undermine one union printer in a past run for office so its no surprise she would undermine the entire union this time around! These are all questions we would hope someone would bring up at the endorsing convention this coming weekend.

After looking over every single item that has already come in the mail to both our neighbors home and ours we could not find one DFL candidate that left this out other then Kris Brogan. So if Kris Brogan is not going to follow the S.O.P's of the DFL how do we know she will follow through with anything else DFL related? She claims she will abide by the endorsement process but we find that hard to believe also! Mark our words Kris Brogan will NOT bow out as she stated she would if she is not endorsed this weekend! You read it here first in the Brogan files!


Union bug