Friday, August 9, 2013

Did we call it or what?

Last night at the gathering and on national night out the air was thick with more of the Brogan game!!The big topic was Kris Brogan sending people door to door, mostly in the Victory neighborhood to gather signatures on a petition. Neighbors could not wait to tell other neighbors how Kris Brogan once again broke her word~! It had been noted by many that Kris Brogan had reared her ugly head once again on most of the major North Minneapolis Facebook pages as of late and he opinions were stronger than ever!

We did a little research and found out that Kris Brogan is looking for 175 signatures to form a "grass roots" campaign for city council. Are we the only ones that remember Kris Brogan saying if she didn't win an endorsement at the caucus she would drop out?? We have heard her say this a few times in May and June of this year but of course we never believed a word out of Kris Brogans mouth!

Word on the street is that Kris Brogan will justify her lies to drop out, with this new petition, saying that its what the people want when in reality its was Kris Brogan pushing people to get out and get the signatures! The other part of this is that if she gets the signatures by Monday night she wont have to pay the $20 for the filing fee, and we all know that money is a big issue for the Brogan Gang!

So the Brogan Gang has been hard at it all along, just as we here at the Brogan Files have suspected all along! Get ready folks, get your knee high rubber boots on as with every time Kris Brogan and her gang start talking its about to get deep in North Minneapolis again with the bull!