Sunday, August 11, 2013

What would it look like?

We need only look back at the history of Kris Brogan both in her affairs working for the city, her current business of bringing low income housing to North Minneapolis, and of course the failed Papa's Pizza to understand how things would look should Kris Brogan win the fall election.

When Papa's pizza was at its height of business it couldn't keep up with paying its bills. Rather then take the advice of well intentioned business people around her, Kris Brogan insisted on it being done her way! There was no other way as this is her personality! When working for the mayor of Minneapolis it was clear Kris Brogan would step on anyone's head, or throat in some cases to get done what she wanted or needed to get done that was on her agenda, not always inline with the agenda of her boss. Several co-workers paid the price for this behavior. When you look at her current agenda of bringing low income housing to North Minneapolis and you follow the money trail it leads to the people who support her and keep her small consulting business up and running, not the home owners of North Minneapolis that's for sure!

One can look back at several of the posts here on The Brogan Files to see who got screwed over when Mick and Kris Brogan went belly up at Papa's pizza and Deli. Look at the baby momma that lost out on back child support because it was never paid to the state as Kris and Mick said they would do when they opened a business in MN.

Kris told the entire audience at the caucus that if she didn't get the DFL nod that day that she would close her campaign and bow out....again more lies! So how would we believe anything on the Kris Brogan campaign check list would get done if we sent her to city hall? How would we believe she could be part of handling a budget the size of the city's and not end up owing everyone and their brother because she is a bad money manager? Would they foreclose on the city like they did on Kris Brogans south Minneapolis home? We believe how a person runs their home life and home finances is directly related to how they will run the city, Kris Brogan would be a disaster of a city council member!

A final thought is how the Victory Neighborhood Association have paid the price for having Kris Brogan on their board. Remember the board also had two-three other members of the board that voted to buy the now no good Papa's Pizza gift cards, these same people where investors that got screwed when they invested $2,000 a pop into the now bankrupt and closed Papa's Pizza and Kris Brogan sat in those meetings knowing Papa's was going out of business and never said a word to discourage the sale of these worthless gift cards. This type of sleazy business dealings show a pattern of how Kris Brogan would work out as the city council person for all of us in this ward, it shows that she has no problem selling out her neighbors and neighborhood association for a couple of bucks, why wouldn't she sell us out at the city level? she has no shame about the local sell out, she sure as hell wont have a problem selling us out to the city for a monthly pay check!