Monday, June 17, 2013

Saturday Information ago go go!

Saturdays DFL convention was a huge source of information on the subject of Kris Brogan! We spoke to many people there as delegates and there running for office. Every time the name Kris Brogan was brought up we got the same facial expression- if only we could draw it for you. All we can say is it is similar to when one eats a lemon or is kicked in the balls.

When asked if they though Kris Brogan would drop out of the race most people said that since she has not done it by now, and knowing the dirty tricks she has had up her sleeves in the past, they thought she was still in the race and still planned on being on the ballet in November.

According to one source Kris Brogan's son Mikey has been letting people know his mommy is still in the race and the plan is to walk quietly into Novembers election. The plan apparently is to keep talking and sneaking around the ward trashing the other candidate in an underground (think gopher) type of way.

One person we spoke to reported that Kris Brogan had been busy at local businesses in North trashing the other candidate and when others would complain about anything city related the comment from Kris has been, "Well we tried to change it by running for council member but you guys didn't support us", talk about a poor sport ha?

Well we will keep our ears to the street to see what we can hear!