Thursday, September 5, 2013

Whats her DEAL?

Has anyone else notice how Kris Brogan is attempting to be the "Community Organizer" that she has proclaimed to be in the past but never really was? All of a sudden Kris Brogan is posting all kinds of invitations to local events and information that she never posted to before?? What's this about? Making herself useful or making herself appear to be someone she is not? Our guess is that this is Kris Brogans way of keeping her name out there for the general public to see....We would also bet that its her saying "Look at how on top of things I am" but the reality is that its confusing to most people on the social media pages simply because she keeps tying her name in with Jon Olson of the Park Board and posting items that are city related as though she has a tie to the city information.

The social media pages being used by so many people in North Minneapolis are log jammed with the same information being posted from one page to the next page and from one persons page to another that Kris Brogans attempt at self importance simply weighs down an already heavily burdened social media page! Rather then attempt to be someone she is not we would like to see Kris Brogan come out and answer some questions that have been floating around for well over a year now! Why not use some of the $4000. Kris Brogan has spent out of her campaign finances and take a half page ad out in the Camden News and explain herself? We will help her out with a few questions to start with:

1). Kris, Why are you once again running for city council after telling the crowd at the DFL caucus you would step aside?

2). Kris, since you are unsuccessful at running your own finances or the business finances what makes you think you could tackle the job of city finances?

3). Kris, since both your husband and son have criminal records do you think your the best person to try and clean up the crime in North Minneapolis?

4). Kris, we have posted sever lies and untruths from you in the past 8 months. How can we believe anything you would have to say as a city council member?

5). Kris, so many of your former co-workers and employees tell us how difficult you are to work for and with, as a member of the city council how will you be able to work with other member and the community as a whole?

6). Kris, while you and Mick were working on starting Papa's so many people from the community and city weighed in on ideas they thought would make for a successful business. You choose to ignore these people and their idea and Papa's failed- How will we be able to trust that you will listen to the residents of North Minneapolis on our ideas for a better city? Did you grow listening ears as of late?

7). Kris, when Papa's was circling the drain and at other times you have watched failure sweep towards you, you have a history of playing the blame game. You even wrote in the Camden News how it was the fault of the residents of North Minneapolis that Papa's this how you will handle failure in city government? Will your failures become ours as tax payers?

8). One final question Kris, While Papa's was circling the drain, and with clear knowledge that the gift certificates would soon be no good, you chose to let two board members of the ViNa board who you also knew had an investment in Papa's (should not have been voting) go a head and vote on buying worthless gift cards to PaPa's. In the end you or Mick didn't refund the money, you just let ViNa get stuck with worthless gift many worthless gift cards will the city as a whole end up buying from you Kris? Will you knowingly sell the tax payers a bad bill of goods? and again if the answer is "no" how can we believe that with your history?

Those would be the questions we would start with, as we have said all along, a persons history is a great reference for their future behavior! We think Kris Brogan has enough bad baggage from the past that she is not a suitable candidate for a position that makes the decisions that effect us all! We need someone with a strong moral compass in this office and someone who lies, cheats, and sells bad bills of sale is not a person with a strong moral compass in our opinion!