Monday, September 9, 2013

Oh the shameful self promotion!

Well the social media sites were much a buzz a few days ago as Kris Brogan once again shamelessly self promoted herself at the expense of a North Minneapolis family's tragedy. It seems for some reasons Kris Brogan thought she should put herself in the middle of the ordeal where the child's 17 year old uncle allegedly shot the two month old baby in the neck. Kris Brogan leached herself onto that wards city council member and went and hung out, outside the families home....why you might ask? Well of course Kris Brogan is running for office in the neighboring ward!

If it was not bad enough that this women who clearly does not know her place showed up on their door step, she then went on social media and told everyone what a good dead she had just done up in the neighboring ward. Not just one social media site, but a couple! This tells us it never was about the family and their sadness, it never was about understanding the gun issues we have in North Minneapolis, it never was about North Minneapolis at all! It was about KRIS BROGAN again and her shameful self promotion! HEY EVERYONE LOOK WHAT I DID!

It was a short time later on one of the social media sites that all hell broke loose with people calling Kris Brogan out on her behavior. As we knew would happen Kris Brogan turned loose her pocket rat and other Brogan gang members to speak for her and stand up for her rather then answer some of the serious questions posed by social media members! Divide and Conquer! seems to be the Kris Brogan slogan for a run in North Minneapolis, if she can get enough people angry and cause a big enough stir she can once again bring the spot lights to the BROGAN FOR COUNCIL arena. Remind you of anything?

Stay tuned to The Brogan Files for more of all things Kris Brogan, you would think since the page is