Monday, September 23, 2013

Campaign office and ViNa in the same space?

Campaign office and ViNa in the same space? After weeks of researching we can't find The Warren an Artist Habitat listed as a Minnesota Non profit but on the other hand we also cant seem to find where Kris Brogan has listed the use of this office space as a donation either. You see here is the rub in this little equation of Kris Brogan and her pocket rat, If the Warren is a 501c3 it would violate the provisions of his non profit status to have a campaign office in the Warren, if the Warren is not a non profit then it must under law be listed as a campaign donation. If it is the latter the issue then becomes that the space MUST be rented for fair market value, thus would most likely, given the current rental price for office space go over the allotted campaign donation amount allowed by law.

Then we have to look at the ViNa meeting being held in the same space! This is important because if you remember correctly and we are sure you do, Kris Brogan has been on the ViNa board even after selling the ViNa board bogus Papa's Gift cards! So now the ViNa board is using rented campaign office space and thus placing the board in jeopardy of appearing to be involved in politics....a huge no, no!

Currently we have asked NCR to look into the issue of the ViNa board meeting and using campaign office space and have some leads out there checking to see just what is going on over at the Warren. If you want to check for yourself we will list a couple of web sites that we used to look up information on the Warren.

So what is the enmeshed relationship Kris Brogan seems to have with Mr. Atter really all about? If you remember back Duane was also an investor in the now failed Papa's Pizza, at least he and his partner are listed in the Papa's bankruptcy paperwork as having invested $2000 that Kris and Mick Brogan swear under oath they were unable to pay back. Now it seems that Mr. Atter has stuck his lengthy neck way out by providing campaign meeting space for Kris Brogan and her gang. Stay tuned to the Brogan Files for more on this issues as we receive more information!

P.S. The Warren's home page is so outdated that he still has Papa's Pizza as a listed link! We think maybe Mr. Atter should stop playing in politics and start managing the Warren and its web page....more productive that way!