So how does one buy a home with in the same time frame as their current home is being foreclosed on?? How does one come up with the money for a down payment on a a $135,000. home in North Minneapolis when the mortgage company just foreclosed on a house in South Minneapolis with a balance owing of $481,094.97? Past due balance at the time the Brogans purchased the North Minneapolis house was $84, does one do this?? See figures below
Mortgage on 3133 Bloomington Avenue South, Minneapolis MN $481,094.97
Past due amount unpaid at time of foreclosure $ 84,135.33
Sheriff sale net sale price of 3133 Bloomington Avenue South $210,000.00
Loss to mortgage company $271,094.97
Could the answer to the above question lay in the hands of Kris Brogans brother, Greg Maltby? Greg is not only working on the Brogan campaign but he also works for Mincar. Do a google search and see what it is Greg does at Mincar for some more pieces to the Brogan puzzle!